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A rule author in Knowledge Bridge works in an environment that is as comfortable as Excel, but with the end result of a visually compelling 3D configured model.

Rule authoring in Knowledge Bridge

Knowledge Bridge is at work in a wide range of industries for the configuration of diverse products. Its configuration power enables "engineer in a box" capabilities for even the most complex products. In the past, ETO systems required extensive experience with programming languages. But Knowledge Bridge was created for knowledge experts, not programmers, and rule writing is no more complex than writing Excel macros.

Your main tool: a web browser

  • Authoring is done using a web browser

  • Centralized administration and control of your enterprise engineering knowledge is done through a single Admin portal

  • A single page user interface provides everything you need for rule authoring:

    • A project/design hierarchy

    • High-speed 3D graphics

    • A single window where you edit, create and manage your rules

  • No need to install any specialized software

  • Easy to scale to meet demands

  • No specialized hardware required

  • Leverages the power of modern cloud-based applications

Collaboration, modularization, and sharing

kBridge was designed from the ground up to facilitate modular rule development, collaboration, and sharing:

  • Check-in / Check-out supports team development

  • Multiple inheritance leverages existing libraries and projects

  • No geographic constraints - teams can be truly global

Comfortable with Excel? You can write rules in kBridge

  • Rules follow an Excel style and philosophy:

    • Declarative approach (not procedural like programming languages)

    • ​Built-in, automated dependencies
  • Object structures and hierarchies arranged the way engineers naturally organize the things they work on

  • There are some important differences from Excel:

    • All your rule-authoring work can be done on a single page
    • Objects in kBridge are depicted graphically and can be spatially constrained in  relation to other objects

Lightning fast graphics

  • kBridge graphics are driven by the underlying mechanisms of many popular games

  • Results of rules-driven configurations are updated quickly and shown with optional surface maps and other realistic effects

  • Your customers will see your products at a level of detail you never imagined as possible

  • Visual confirmation of design and parameter changes leads to higher quality, as well as a vastly improved user experience (UX)

Total administration capabilities

Organizations using Knowledge Bridge have complete control over how it is used and implemented:

  • kBridge graphics are driven by the underlying mechanisms of many popular games

  • Results of rules-driven configurations are updated quickly and shown with optional surface maps and other realistic effects

  • Your customers will see your products at a level of detail you never imagined as possible

  • Visual confirmation of design and parameter changes leads to higher quality, as well as a vastly improved user experience (UX)

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