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Here are a few of the benefits you can find by applying Knowledge Bridge to your ETO and configuration challenges.
Here are a few of the benefits you can find by applying Knowledge Bridge to your ETO and configuration challenges.

Knowledge Bridge
Features & Benefits

As a cloud-based system, Knowledge Bridge is highly scalable, and can adapt to the most demanding uses.

As a cloud-based platform, Knowledge Bridge enables your applications to be scaled up as work loads and numbers of users increase. No need for any in-house servers or the headaches of hardware upgrades, updates or maintenance. Deployments are trivially easy.

Built on the cloud, Knowledge Bridge delivers CAD-like graphics combined with powerful rules-based configuration to users who need nothing more than a web browser.

Knowledge Bridge is a cloud-based, SAAS (software as a service) platform. This means you can deliver your configuration wherever it is needed, directly into the hands of salespeople, customers and partners. And you don't need to install any software locally.

Knowledge Bridge is a low-code authoring system based on expressions similar to what you encounter in Microsoft Excel.

You don't need to be a programmer to build your own applications. If you know Excel, you'll find Knowledge Bridge to be similar in style and complexity.




With its high-speed, interactive graphics, Knowledge Bridge delivers a graphically interactive configuration space that runs in a web browser.

Knowledge Bridge enables you to build friendly, engaging, graphically interactive applications that make it easy for your customers to provide the information you need to build your custom product.

Knowledge Bridge lets engineers and other subject matter experts organize their work into projects that can then be integrated within other projects. This means that the work of maintaining your product configuration knowledge can be distributed across an entire team.

Knowledge Bridge's project organization makes it easy to modularize your enterprise knowledge. And projects can be easily shared among users.

Like Microsoft Excel, Knowledge Bridge provides an easy environment for capturing rules. But unlike Excel, kBridge lets you connect those rules directly with a rich, CAD-like environment.

As you build your products and capture the rules that drive them, you're also building their shapes and spatial arrangement.

Understanding where your rules come from is an important aspect of maintaining your organizational knowledge-base. Knowledge Bridge lets you capture important meta-data, such as the regulations, design-manuals, and product specifications that drive product configuration.

Knowledge Bridge enables you to capture knowledge and behavior in many forms, including – in addition to your experts’ knowledge – regulations, design manuals, images and more. This makes it easier to maintain and grow your knowledge bases over time.

With Knowledge Bridge, you can create a customized, highly-intuitive user interface that can live within a web browser. Whether on your public website and exposed to customers, or your company intranet and used by salespeople, the UI can be shaped exactly as you need it.

Deliver your configuration application with the interface it deserves, one that makes it easy and enjoyable for your users. If you can imagine it, you can build it with Knowledge Bridge.

Knowledge Bridge supports unicode character sets as well as table-driven user interface labels, prompts and the like, enabling multi-lingual user interfaces driven by a common, underlying configuration rule-set.

Deliver your configuration applications to a global audience.
All custom user interface elements support Unicode character sets for world-wide support. Plus, all UI elements support table driven selection of text based on language. Finally , there is basic support for multiple currencies.

When engineers design your products, they organize assemblies and parts into well-defined structures. These structures are fully supported by Knowledge Bridge, meaning that it is an intuitive authoring environment for your subject matter experts.

Your products can be organized and structured the way that engineers think about them. This not only delivers better functionality and results, it makes your applications easy to maintain and evolve.

Based on the ISO 27001 security standard, Knowledge Bridge delivers the security that you need to protect your organizational knowledge.

Engineering Intent takes security seriously. The Information Security Management System (ISMS) behind Knowledge Bridge is based on the ISO 27001 security standard.

Easy to administer, and designed for teams from the start, Knowledge Bridge makes it easy to support engineers and other subject matter experts to work together.

From its user security and authorization, to project sharing functionality, to its knowledge capture functionality, kBridge excels at supporting teams of engineers and subject matter experts.

Calculations are run only when they are required, meaning that configuration changes are quick, and don't require recalculation of an entire product.

kBridge does calculations only when they are required, making it extremely efficient for complex product configurations.

With robust documentation, training, and rich examples, Knowledge Bridge is easy to learn.

kBridge has been designed from day one to be easy to learn. In fact, we have extensive self-guided training in the documentation that lets you learn at your own pace. We also offer more formal training classes.

With Knowledge Bridge, you have full control of who can view, edit and run any project. Administration is easy and intuitive.

Get information about how your application is being used, and take control of who has access, who can make changes.

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